Arbo Ice M
by Tibert Dhont
ARBO ICE M is both rugged and delicate, a robust tree on a fragile mirror glass.
A warm mirror thanks to its natural shape and print, which is poetically interpreted in a frosted white colour. This iconic mirror reflects the interior in a muted way, filtered by the soft and subtle annual rings that are traced on the mirror glass. Depending on the reflection, the colours in the mirror will change and adapt.
Bring nature into your home. Arbo is also available in a bigger version and in a dark, true-to-life coloured version.
for Arbo Ice M
Tibert Dhont
Tibert is an industrial designer from Kortrijk, Belgium. During his internship at Deknudt Mirrors he worked on several models that are still in our collection. Including the very popular Arbo mirror. Innovative techniques, including the water jet, were an inspiration in his designs, where he combines technology and nature in surprising mirrors.