Zora Gold
door Annemie Vanzieleghem
Zora brings the sun into your home. With our outstanding know-how in the field of screen printing, we are able to achieve the most surprising effects. The sunrays playfully burst from behind the central mirror to spread across the warm golden background. The atmosphere this mirror brings to your interior is almost dazzling.
voor Zora Gold
Annemie Vanzieleghem
Annemie was the head of Deknudts design department for almost thirty years. Mirrors hold no secrets for her. Her vision is clear: be open and receptive to new things. Curiosity is an important stimulus. Spotting trends and crystallizing these into sellable products give her the satisfaction that she seeks in her profession. With a cultured appreciation for beauty, shape, colours and materials, she comes up with lots of distinctive designs. The mysticism of mirrors keeps her captivated.