door Deknudt Mirrors
Grunge is groezelig stoer, voor wie van onvolmaakt houdt. Het bedrukte spiegeloppervlak verstoort de reflectie, maakt ze minder hard.De nagebootste onvolmaaktheden verzachten het beeld, de realiteit. Ook de organische vorm draagt bij tot dit idee: geen scherpe hoeken maar een vloeiende lijn omlijsten de weerkaatste omgeving.De spiegel kan in horizontale en verticale positie opgehangen worden.
voor Grunge

Deknudt Mirrors
Our design department at Deknudt Mirrors has defined the market of mirrors since 1946. Beauty and function are combined in our timeless designs that are informed by architecture, history, fashion and art. We challenge our Master mirror makers by introducing new techniques and materials. By pushing our creative and technical skills to its limits, we achieve unseen designs for great interiors.
Our many years of experience working with this magical material make us experts in designing and producing unique mirrors with premium quality. Mirrors hold no secrets for us. We build on our long history and constant curiosity to create new, unseen designs that will lift your interior to another level. We aim to create sophisticated mirrors with longevity and durability by respecting our environment and intriguing our customers with unique designs. Our design can be a bold statement or a subtle touch of elegance in any interior around the world.